Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shopping time is upon us again...

I was going to ride today, but I decided I will go on Tuesday when I am off. I think for the rest of June we will do only 2 days a week. She's learning to carry herself with muscles that have been largely out of use, and just coming out of lameness, I think that light exercise is key right now. Her stamina is almost non-existent, so we will up the exercise perhaps in 2-3 weeks.

So instead, I'm going on a shopping spree. I realized with joy that July is a 5-week month, meaning extra $$ for me! Time to get everything I've been needing.

I'm getting my pink polo wraps to complete our "alternating" polo wrap theme. My mom gave me some purple ones for Easter already. I decided to hold off on heavy duty boots. Obviously we are going back to basics for a while. But I will be wrapping her all around every ride. Just for the bit of extra support on those legs!

Also I'm getting her a pink halter and purple lead, to add to our color scheme.

I did decide to get the slightly longer training fork. I noticed she responds to my hands much more than the leverage, but the leverage helps to encourage her to keep herself round. I think just a tad more "give" will keep her from focusing so much on the fork, but still do it's job. The one we are using really is very restrictive, and I honestly want her to have somewhat of a choice, without making it so that there are no consequences for having her head in the air.

As usual, I've got plenty of grooming items to grab. I've decided not to pull her mane. It stresses her out, it stresses me out, and I intend to braid for our future shows anyway. As long as I can braid it, who cares if it's pulled or thinned? Thus, I'm getting a razor thinning knife. Should do the trick better than the shears.

She's out of hoof oil, so that too. She's still got shampoo, but I'm going to stock up on that anyhow because it's summer time and I like to give her a scrubbing every week or so after a ride.

Blankets are on sale right now, so I've decided to get her a blanket and a sheet. Blanket is pink, sheet is purple. That way they can be used together when it gets really cold, or alone. The sheet I can still use to keep her clean for shows next year. Also getting her a purple tail bag. Have I mentioned how *beautiful* her tail is now? It's grown out wonderfully. Seems good nutrition and my oiling it/detangling it has had a great natural effect.

Finally, in support of our pink and purple theme, I'm getting a pink saddle pad (to alternate with my purple if I like) and these:

Barrel Reins

Yeah, I know. Only for schooling of course. I had some when I was a kid for Belle, and they're super comfy. And besides, they come in PINK AND PURPLE! Finally, I have my eye on a pink and purple helmet cover. My helmet is already purple, but it's a little scratched up (not from any real falls, just from me being a dork and bumping my head in it on doors and such).

Verrry excited about all the new "toys".

Also excited about the future with Amber. She's so young, and there are so many possibilities. She's still trying to figure out how much she can test me, but she isn't a stupid horse and she has the desire to please. I think we will ultimately be a great pair!

1 comment:

  1. Shopping is always so much fun. That's quite a list you have, there. You're going to have to post some pictures of your girl, "Dressed to the nines." (An old expression that somehow suits the situation.) *S*
